The other day (under illegal circumstances) I was deep in thought. As I passed by houses, I noticed the trees around them. I thought it foolish to plant trees so close to a house, where when it gets old it will fall and crush the home, leaving the family sad to see their possessions broken and smashed. "Who in their right mind, would do that?-apparently many people, since everyone on this street has big trees on their front lawns looming dangerously over their houses." It made me angry that trees would grow where houses were to be put. At the same time I felt sadness for the magnificent trees who were cut down for buildings.
As if turning on a light bulb, a new thought dawned on me...
"Wait a second...plants were here first. It's their right to grow. Plants should be allowed to grow wherever the fuck they want!"
This means if they so chose to grow and turned into a big beautiful tree (or even in mini tree stage), if a building so happened to be built in the trees area, it should not be cut down for the building. The building should be constructed around the tree. With appropriate building space around the tree for it to grow. Think of the possibilities. It would open up a new business and create new architectural designs, and soon would be very popular with the increasing number of people who want to do this planet some good.
Here is a picture of a plant growing where it wants.

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